AWS EC2 Image Builder
  • Allows you to create AWS EC2 images. These are virtual images and container images.
  • It’s really simple to use with a graphical interface.
  • We can use EC2 image builder to test and validate our images. We may need to test and validate the images for security, compliance and functionality, using AWS provided tests or your own custom tests.
  • EC to image builder automates the process of creating and maintaining your images.
    • When software updates are available, image builder can automatically create a new image, run validation tests on the new image, and make it available to the AWS regions of your choice.
    • Image builder allows you to share your AMI with other AWS accounts that you own.
  • Steps to create an image
    • Provide a base OS image. Example Amazon Linux 2 AMI.
    • Define software to install, example .Net, Node JS, python, latest security, updates, latest Kernel, security settings.
    • Run test on the new image for example, does it boot correctly etc.
    • Distribute the image to the regions of your choice. (By default, the region you are operating in).
  • EC2 image builder terminology
    • Image pipeline
      • Defines the configuration and end to end process of building images, including the image recipe, distribution and test settings.
    • Image recipe
      • Image builder creates a recipe for each image, which can be shared, version controlled, and re-used.
    • Source image 
      • Example Amazon Linux 2 AMI.
    • Build components
      • Example Apache tomcat.


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