AWS Security Token Service(STS)

  • We use assume role API under AWS security token service.
  • Define an IAM role Within your account or cross account.
  • Define which principles can access this IAM role.
  • Use AWS STS(Security Token Service) to retrieve Credentials and impersonate the IAM role You have access to(Assume Role API).
  • Temporary credentials can be valid between 15 minutes to 12 hours.
  • Returns a set of temporary security credentials that we can use to access AWS resources.
  • The temporary credentials consist of an access key ID, a secret access key, and a security token.
  • Role must have permissions of assume role.
  • Used to provide an indirect access to a user for accessing resources.
    • User does not have access to resources directly, user can assume a role that has access to resources.
  • Security token received by a user is valid for specific time.
  • Services can also assume role besides user like Lambda, S3.
  • We have a policy for user which defines which role can be assumed.
  • The use case is when a root user wants IAM user access to resources for a limited amount of time between 1 hours - 12 hours.
  • Steps to perform above scenarios is as follows.
    • Create IAM user.
    • Give few permissions to this IAM user using policy.
    • Create one role which I am user can assume it.
    • Create one policy which will allow IAM user to assume R1 role ARN - call this policy as P3.
    • Call assume role API to finally assume role R1.
  • Assume role API give an access key, secret key and session token.
  • Create a user from cli using command
    • aws iam create-user --user-name MyUsername
    • aws iam create-access-key --user-name MyUsername
      • This will give you access key and secret access key for the user.
  • Run AWS configure to configure access key, secret access key and user account.
    • It will replace the root access key with the one we have received in last command.
    • Enter the region and output format (json, yml) etc.
  • Create a policy for the user to assume a role as follows
    • {
      • "Effect": "Allow"
      • "Action":[
        • "sts: Assume Role"
      • ],
      • "Resource" "*" //any role, give role ARN here for specific role
    • }
  • Under trust relationships In Role add the ARN of the user.
  • This allows user to assume a role.
  • When to use STS
    • Provide access for an IAM user In AWS account that you own to access resources in another account that you own.
    • Provide access to IAM user in AWS account owned by third-parties.
    • Provide access for services used by AWS to AWS resources.
    • Provide access for externally authenticated users(Identity Federation).
    • Ability to revoke active session and credentials for a role(by adding a policy using a time statement-AWSRevokeOlderSessions).
  • When we assume a role, We give up our original permissions and take the permissions assigned to the role.
  • We can grant IAM users permissions to switch roles within our AWS account or to roles defined in other AWS accounts that we own.
  • Benefits
    • You must explicitly grant your users permission to assume the role.
    • Your users Must actively switch to the role Using AWS management console or assume the role using the AWS CLI or AWS API.
    • You can add multi-factor authentication(MFA) protection to the role so that only users who signed in with MFA device can assume the role.
    • Least privileged auditing using cloud Trail.
  • Providing access to AWS accounts owned by third parties.
    • Our zone of trust includes our accounts, organisations that we own.
    • Third parties are outside our zone of trust.
    • We use IAM access analyser to find out which resources are exposed.
    • We get third-party AWS account ID.
    • An external ID(Secret between you and the third-party)
      • To uniquely associate with the role between you and the third party.
      • Must be provided when defining the trust and when assuming the role.
    • Define permissions in IAM policy
  • Admin creates “updateDataBucket” role Which allows access to read/write in “Data Bucket” in S3.
  • Admin grants members of the group permission to assume the “updateDataBucket” role.
  • User request access to the role.
  • STS returns, role credentials.
  • User has access to the S3 bucket by using the role credentials.
  • Session tags in STS.
    • Tag that you pass when you assume an IAM role, or federate user in STS.
    • aws:Principal Tag Condition
      • Compares the tags Attached to the principal making the request ,with the tag you specified in the policy.
      • Example: Allow a principal to pass session tag only if the principal making the request has the specified tags.
  • STS important API’s
    • Assume role: Access a role Within your account or cross account.
    • Assume role with SAML: Returns credentials for users logged in with SAML.
    • Assume with web identity: Return credentials for users logged in with an IDP.
      • Example providers include Amazon, Cognito, login with Amazon, Facebook, Google or any Open ID connect compatible identity provider.
      • AWS recommends using Cognito instead.
    • Get session token
      • For MFA From a user or AWS account route user.
    • Get federation token
      • Obtain temporary credentials for a federated user, Usually a proxy App that will give The credentials to a distribution app Inside a corporate network.


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